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  • Aimee


Like many millenials, this is not my first rodeo when it comes to starting a blog.

Seemingly the solitary version of putting "do you want to start a podcast?" in the group chat, writing a blog is something anyone can do and with over 600 million blogs available online there is certainly no shortage to select from. (GrowthBadger, 2019). I have written previously (and I am sure any long-standing friends of mine will be able to dig out the skeletal bones deep in back of the blog-closet) an online journal, a mental-health blog I somewhat ironically abandoned due to a bout of depression from which I am in proudly recovery, and an revision exercise during my A-levels wherein I tried to insert as many wittisicms and GIFS into my English Literature notes as possible. I have been told those were quite funny, but I only look back upon them and blush! Did I really think anyone else actually wanted to read this?

Ay, there's the rub! Who truly wishes to read the ramblings of a stranger? In a world of Instagram stories, Tik-Tok videos and million-follower Twitter celebrities, the vital question is who wants to read about me?

Hopefully you. reader, will find something of interest in my writing. I intend to keep my posts painted with positivity; sharing the things that are bringing me joy and comfort, what nourishes my soul, and invigorates my sense of self. The inspiration for this website is the a rough translation of following quote from a letter written by the great artist Vincent Van Gogh, in a letter to his brother Theo on 9th or 10th July 1888: "I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream." I wish to instill a dreamlike curiosity in myself, and to look at my own life with a wonder akin to that felt when gazing up at the vast expansive universe. There is so much to see, so much to think about, and so much I want to share. Perhaps, in this humble way of writing it down for you, I can share a few pocket-moments of wonder, and perhaps you will find some hope in that too. You may expect literature, music, art, my trips down the rabbit hole of crafting, baking and much more. Additionally, if there is ever anything you wish to hear from me about, leave a comment and I will be sure to don my deerstalker and get investigating.

So, I suppose I should tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Aimee. I am a twenty-four year old English Literature graduate currently enjoying all the wonders and bafflement of working from home. My lockdown has been as one can expect it to be: full of frustration, longing and anxiety but also bubbling with creativity and light. Whilst furloughed, I found never before had I such an opportunity to develop my usual hobies! When not procrastinating by brewing yet another fresh pot of coffee or bothering my cats, I can be found reading novels and poetry, writing, creating art or baking. Perhaps I will delve further into those in a later post, so you can look forward to hearing more about that in the coming months!

For now then, I will kindly thank you for reading this somewhat obligatory introduction to The Sight Of The Stars. I look forward greatly to writing my next post, so please keep an eye out in the coming week for another post popping up. Until next time, keep looking up at the stars and dreaming!

All the love,

Aimee. x

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