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A blog by a.m.e. smith

I have always been inspired by great beauty, art, literature, theatre, and music. Allow me to write for you, openly and with a gentle heart, on the things that bring me joy. As per the name-sake of this blog, I have been inspired by Vincent Van Gogh my entire life, and hope to invoke that sensation of gazing upon the stars. I want to draw your attention to the beautiful, the unusual, that strange, and the brilliant. I hope to spark creativity, recognise the joy and love that surrounds us, and share some insight into my experiences. Expect musings on literature, art, baking, crafting, and finding beauty in even the darkest times. May it encourage you, dear reader, to dream too.

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Music, The Spring Edit

Yes, I know. I'm on the edge of late for this one. I have been holding onto this mix for a few months now, waiting for the weather to...

Music, The Winter Edit

Winter has always been my favourite season, and I have a tendency to romanticise it. I am someone who loves routines, traditions, and...

November 5th

This morning I woke up before my alarm, and there was frost on the ground in the garden below my window and fog as far as I could see...

Dungeons and Dragons Is For Nerds

Generally, I don't like fantasy. I've never seen Lord of The Rings and I have no interest in doing so. Dragons and elves don't excite me....

Music, The Autumn Edit

Music has always been, as it has for many, a huge part of my life. I grew up listening to music all of the time; The Beatles, Luthor...

A Visit to Hatfield House - August 2020

This post was written at the start of September, prior to the changes in guidance starting on September 14th. Always check the guidance...

A Feeling of Home

My first home was a little Victorian terraced house, with narrow corridors, steep stairs, and period fireplaces - complete with a wasp...

Why I Love Sports Movies

It's 2011, and the night before our school sports day. I've been put down for 300 meters. My brother has promised he will come and watch,...

Top 5 Book Recomendations

I never let the opportunity to discuss my favourite novels elude me, and this blog shall be no exception. Class of 2014 English...


Like many millenials, this is not my first rodeo when it comes to starting a blog. Seemingly the solitary version of putting "do you...

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